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Sunday, January 15, 2012

My personal progress January 8-14, 2012

TargetActually Done
Leadership Bible35 pages a week35 pages
Faith in Action Bible42 pages a week42 pages
Message Read Through7 Days youversion programOn track
Running15 miles a week15 miles
Crunches1000 a week1000
Floss7 times a week7 Days
Face Cleaning/Lotions7 times a week6 Days
I Like Book7 times a week6 times
Modules2 a week2
Guy Time1 a week1
Self Exam7 a week4
Book Reading1 Book a week1 book complete
Evening Prayer Meeting26 times a year1
Date with Cara1 a month1
Date with Rachel1 a quarter0

I realized this week just how much that I have bitten off in this quest to develop to my full potential.  The book for this week was based on the movie Courageous.  This first two weeks of the year has required alot from me professionally which has robbed my wife and children of some of the precious time that I have with them.  This book called me back to focus on them.  They give me life.  I look forward to seeing the movie.  I also am dedicating myself to attend the weekly prayer meeting at least half of the times that it is offered this year.  I found this time to me comforting in the midst of a stressful week.  In establishing the self- exam habit I fell a little short but I am making progress.  With my runs going so well, and if the weather holds I intend to push out to 20 or more miles this week.


  1. How do you fit all this in? I am working on scheduling more time to exercise and get the house clean and keep it that way with 40 hours of work and family time. You must have some tips with such a rigorous schedule. Like not taking time to answer frivolous emails? ;)

  2. I get up early is one key. Once the kids get up I want to be able to focus on them. Most of it really is around planning the important items. I have mostly cut out TV and that helps too.
