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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hero Quest Chapter 1 Part 10

“I have heard the way that you speak to your children.  I know that the staff has talked to you about your tantrums over this past week.  I want us to be able to help you but you can’t keep biting us.  We’re on your side.”
“That’s BS.  If you were on my side that chick would be gone already.”
“I’ll be meeting with her in a little bit.  But that really doesn’t pertain to you.  I’m talking with you now.  Sarah, you will need to move out.  I’ll give you about an hour, less if you keep up this fury.”
Sarah slammed the door and loudly proclaimed that she was being mistreated.
Maggie sat down in the office. “Well that went well.  What’s going on?”
“Funny thing is I still don’t really know. I’m still waiting on Becky’s social worker.  I’ll get this cleared up before I go home.  Go ahead and get ready for check in and I’ll lock the park.”
Maggie went to check out the check in office to make sure everything was ready to go as John went through the dining room and around the back of the shelter.  As he locked the park he noticed Becky’s man waiting around the back of the building. 
“Listen Pastor John.”
“Just John.”
“Oh sorry I thought that you were a pastor?”
“I used to be and some still call me that.  But the reality is that I’m better off without the title.”
“Whatever, listen don’t kick Becky out.”
“I really haven’t decided what I’m going to do with all of that just yet.”
“She gets mad but did you know Sarah’s man is in a gang.  She’s the one who’s dangerous.  Becky might be crazy but she’s harmless.”
John kept walking but nodded to let the man know that he was listening.  “Got it!  I’m sure that you will hear what ever I decide here fairly quickly.  I really can’t be talking to you much about what I decide about either of these ladies.”
Even though John had been gone for less than 5 minutes he could sense the tension in the parking lot.  Sarah’s aunt had arrived to set the shelter straight and she was looking for John.
    Sitting back in his chair with his hands laced thoughtfully behind his head; John listened intently to what this obviously angry woman was saying.  “You are throwing my niece out with her children?  You call yourself a Christian.  Pastor, yeah right.  Are you some kind of fruitcake?  What can’t handle men?” 
John attempted to get in some words but the longer the woman ranted the less that he could come up with in response.  “But she is threatening,” he tried to reply but was cut off.
“You don’t even know what happened and you’re throwing children, children I tell you, on the street.  You are a monster.”

Monday, March 19, 2012

Real Life at the Crisis Shelter March 12-18, 2012

Monday March 12:   We had a dramatic evening when a mom lost her temper and began threatening first staff and then said it would be staff’s fault when she beat her children later that night.  The conversation never really calmed down until the mom moved out.  Why it is likely that the tantrum had escalated to the point that we would have had her leave she left on her own so we did not need to ask her to leave.  Another single about the same time also threw a humdinger of a tantrum.  She was asked to leave.  Both ladies are now on our accountability list.  
Tuesday March 13:  One of our moms and her kids were all verified to have head lice.  Her room mate was moved to another room while the mom takes care of the cleaning up of the issue.  This mom does not have a good history of follow through so we will need to stay on her to make sure that she gets it cleaned up.
Wednesday March 14   One guest reported having her open bag of tobacco stolen.  There were two good suspects.  But neither one seems to have the tobacco.  Both suspects have men at the mission so it is possible that they simply passed it on to their men.     
Thursday March 15:    One of our guests was offering to sell some of her prescription medications to other guests.  She moved out when we addressed the issue with her.  She was in the process of denying that she did such a thing but then moved out instead.   
Friday March 16:  A donor stopped by and dropped off some little boys underwear and socks (new) and a coat (used) for a little boy.  Within 5 minutes of the donor leaving a guest stopped by to see if we could arrange for her little boy to get underwear, socks and a coat.  The sizes were exactly right for this little boy.  Amazing.      
Weekend:     Lots of drama around one of our guests who has been on an emotional rollercoaster during her entire stay here.  She was doing really well on Friday but over the weekend became erratic, got physically sick and then started an assortment of arguments with her room mates.  By Monday she was verbally threatening everyone in her room and was asked to leave.  

General comments:   We had two more ladies get full time jobs this week and several that have upcoming housing verified.  Staff are very excited.       

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Progress on my goals March 11-17, 2012

 TargetActually Done
Leadership BibleBe on page 385 (5 pg a day)On page 386
Faith in Action BibleBe on page 462 (6 pg a day)On page 463
Message Read Through7 Days youversion programOn track
Running15 miles a week15
Crunches1000 a week750
Floss7 times a week7 Days
Face Cleaning/Lotions7 times a week6
I Like Book7 times a week6
Modules2 a week6
Social Events3 a quarter2
Guy Time10 X a quarter8
Self Exam7 a week4
Book Reading1 Book a week1
Evening Prayer Meeting26 times a year7
Paid Speaking3 a quarter2
Date with Cara3 a quarter2
Date with Rachel1 a quarter0

The book I read this week was called a 102 minutes about what was happening within the twin towers on 911.  There were heroes and goats all over the place.  Of course we know about the firefighters and the police officers that were present.  That is well documented in that disaster as well as so many others.  But what was awesome to read about were all of the "ordinary" untrained citizens who simply did the right thing.  That is the definition of a hero in my book.  If more people simply did the right things than we would not need so many of the laws that we have today.  We would reduce the amount of time spent in counselors offices and less time in court as a society.  When  will we wake up and demand right values and solid morals to move our country in the right direction.
Overall I feel OK about this last week.  I did some more writing on the book.  I wish that I would have gotten further but I have learned that the discipline of writing is difficult to do.
I had a dream this week that I died in a building that was collapsing (most likely because of the 911 book) but what struck me was that there was no panic, just a simple statement.  "Well I guess I'll be seeing you soon Jesus."  I hope that my last days will go that peacefully and honorably.
I intend for this coming week to be the most disciplined week of the year.