Weekly highlights
Monday April 2: Two of our ladies got jobs today! One if full time and one is part time. Two of our singles were having a dispute. We are noticing a trend with one of them that she routinely has conflict with younger ladies that are coming from a more affluent background. One of our guests was preparing to leave and had a ride on the way when she had a chance encounter with a staff member that spoke to her heart and she decided to wait out getting into the program. Phase II went much smoother after a couple of small adjustments and a phase II guest added to the accountability list.
Tuesday April 3: One of our guests was smoking in the bathroom. Another guest engaged in some heated arguments in the middle of the night with our guest assistants. The Guest assistants did a great job deescalating the situation well enough to get us to the morning. However, the guest was clearly threatening the guest assistants so she will be moved to phase II.
Wednesday April 4: The threatening guest decided that she did not want to do phase II but was willing to do overflow. The night was not much different than it had been as a regular shelter guest. She threatened guest assistants and staff in the morning and is now on all three accountability lists. This series of decisions was a difficult call since this woman has been going through chemotherapy. I understood the discomfort and the pain but the threats were not ok in community living. A donor dropped off small cheesecakes for the guests. They were all very happy!
Thursday April 5: A huge verbal battle took place in room 5. It seems that one of the women had stolen a sucker from one of the other guests in the room. Staff was able to bring resolution for the night but there is still tension. The police came to take in the son of one of our guests. He has been running away from the juvenile center and mom has routinely protected him from them.
Friday April 6: The mom who’s son was taken on Thursday refused to take a drug test and was asked to leave. Two of the three from room 5 battle decided to leave on their own.
Weekend: Incredible support came from the community to celebrate Easter. On Saturday one church provided transportation to an egg hunt. They all returned to the shelter in time to meet up with the Easter bunny. Then on Sunday morning another church provided baskets full of goodies to everyone. The shelter is well sugared! Thanks Spokane , I think.
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