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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Progress on my goals February 19-26, 2012

 TargetActually Done
Leadership BibleBe on page 280 (5 pg a day)On page 280
Faith in Action BibleBe on page 336 (6 pg a day)On page 336
Message Read Through7 Days youversion programOn track
Running15 miles a week15 miles
Crunches1000 a week800
Floss7 times a week7 Days
Face Cleaning/Lotions7 times a week7 Times
I Like Book7 times a week7
Modules2 a week3
Social Events3 a quarter1
Guy Time10 X a quarter6
Self Exam7 a week6
Book Reading1 Book a week2
Evening Prayer Meeting26 times a year5
Paid Speaking3 a quarter2
Date with Cara3 a quarter2
Date with Rachel1 a quarter0

This week I went to go see a prescreening of the movie "October Baby".  I think that this will be a movie that will speak to any heart that has been rejected and abandoned.  The story revolves around a young woman who is a survivor of a botched abortion and finds out later in life.  She goes on a quest to find her real mother only to be rejected again.  In many ways the movie is heart breaking.  It also shows the evils of abortion and the heartlessness of the murderous acts that happen at Planned Parenthood Clinics on an almost daily basis.  I understand that they do much good for women's health but ending human life negates any good that they might do.  I took James to see the movie and we had some great conversations about it.  He will be a mighty warrior in the cause to save lives.
I read the Bait of Satan by John Bevere this week.  I again take a look at myself and ask if there is any offensive way in me or am I holding an offense against anyone.  I love Jesus and his people, I must find ways to share that love and not feel hurt when I am rejected.
I had 2 paid speaking engagements this week and I look forward to having more in the future.  That is my dream.
I again fell short in crunches.  The weather has been nice so I have been doing most of my running outdoors.  I went for a 7 miler this week and felt great.
I was able to get to 6 self exams this week.  That too was progress.  Overall I am pleased that I have been able to maintain these standards through the first 2 months of the year.  May it continue!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hero Quest Chapter 1 Part 6

Darlene thought as John continued to scan through the weekend’s log.  He smiled.  “Looks like my 11:00 just got canceled.” 
Darlene had been working there long enough to grasp that comment pretty quickly.  “Mary found Mister Right Now over at the mission so she took off.  No more issues in room 7.” 
“I can’t say that I’m surprised.  But it does break my heart.  Mary has so much potential but she keeps chasing after these guys who are as broken as she is.”
Darlene started to respond but there was a knock on the door.  For the next 20 minutes person after person stopped by to talk with her about some assorted personal crisis.  Some were more serious than others, some just wanted a toothbrush or soap.  Most just wanted a listening ear.  This is where Darlene thrived.  She was a great listener and often was able to share incredible insights.  John closed the door to his office confident that Darlene could handle things while he got dressed.
“Father it looks like we have some messy lives to get involved with here today.  Can you help me?”
“You know that I will.  Brace yourself for the unexpected though.”
“Watch after Mary.  She is medicating in this relationship.  I know that she will come back.  Show us the right way to welcome her when that time comes.”
John finished getting dressed and chugged down the protein shake that he had brought from home.
    Mondays required reports of all sorts so John dove into the numbers from the past week.  Since he kept up with it daily it was really only the weekend that he had to deal with at this point.  Of course there could have been mistakes so John would double check all of that when he was done.  The challenge of putting together these reports every week filled with numbers and stories of the ladies and their children who were or had been guests of the Crisis Shelter for the week usually made him smile.  Remembering the events of the week now separate from any stress or emotion was almost like therapy for him as he reconnected with work.  Today was like that anyway since there were no major issues to tackle.  Some weeks, though, he regretted ever starting this process.  It had started as a way to connect with his boss since he wasn’t sure what he might want to know about the shelter he created a report that covered everything that he could think of.  Over the past four years it had been adjusted, added to, taken away from and was a chore in itself each week.  A knock on the door stopped his thoughts.
“Come in!”

Monday, February 20, 2012

Real Life at the Crisis Shelter February 13-19, 2012

Monday February 13:  One of our semi-regular overflow guests was walking by the demonstrating an incredible ability to string together curses toward assorted staff and other guests.  As far as we can tell there has been no problem when she has stayed with us so our best guess is mental illness.  We received a gal from AOH who had been drinking.   
Tuesday February 14:  Received 2 more ladies from AOH.  Tonight we put two of the teenage boys to work helping on dishes.  On Monday night the family had been assigned to help with dishes and they both watched mom do all of the work.  On Tuesday night we cut mom a piece of cake and gave her a soda and had her sit and watch as her boys did the work.  (A couple of results by the end of the week:  one of the boys without any prompting volunteered to come by and mop the staff office every evening.  Mom started fixing herself up and seemed to be all together emotionally.  We have not seen her this interactive, ever.  One of our guests came to complain about her room mates picking on her.  In the conversation she told the story how every time she lights a cigarette in her room they get on her case.  She was asked to leave for smoking in the room.  
Wednesday February 15:   One of our guests backed into a flower pot with her van.  She then became anxious and pulled forward hitting the gate and the power box to the gate.  No injuries.  This has been reported to her insurance and she is no longer allowed to park in parking lot.  The rest of this guest’s day was bad as well.  We had a good talk but she is definitely hurting. 
Thursday February 16:    One of our guests had trouble from the moment that she arrived.  By mid afternoon she had threatened another guest and had to leave.  Two of our pregnant guests were on the verge of having their babies.  However, neither of them delivered this week.
Friday February 17:  One of our guests tried to take a group of our guests out to go smoke some pot.  They all stayed back and she left on her own.  Big win!  
Weekend:  Over the weekend many of our guests reported temptation to relapse but all stayed around the shelter over the weekend and the feelings passed.     

General comments:  We are working making progress toward improvements in our Good Worker Program, a phased reentry and overflow possibility and a great plan for future use of our basement.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Progress on my goals February 12-18, 2012

 TargetActually Done
Leadership BibleBe on page 245 (5 pg a day)On page 246
Faith in Action BibleBe on page 294 (6 pg a day)On page 294
Message Read Through7 Days youversion programOn track
Running15 miles a week16 miles
Crunches1000 a week800
Floss7 times a week7 Days
Face Cleaning/Lotions7 times a week7 Times
I Like Book7 times a week7
Modules2 a week5
Guy Time1 a week1
Self Exam7 a week4
Book Reading1 Book a week1
Evening Prayer Meeting26 times a year5
Paid Speaking3 a quarter0
Date with Cara3 a quarter2
Date with Rachel1 a quarter0

What a week!  I feel really good at this point though I fell short in some of my targets.  I did get quite a bit of writing done.  I also prepared 3 speeches and feel on top of my game.  I was turned down this week toward Toastmaster Accredidiation.  That was dissapointing.  I will one day be a public speaker but I guess it will need to come by going down a different road.  My book this week was Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln.  I feel very excited about the speech contest season that is coming up and am hopeful that I will make it to Orlando for the World Championship of Public Speaking. 
I also had great time with friends on Saturday night.  I need to get out more.  I have some concerns over my mind this week.  Twice in recent days I have been asked simple questions that I could not come up with answers to.  Wierd.  Anyway I feel that I am on track and look forward to more progress. 
If you are interested in developing your life plan, I am having a Goal Setting Workshop on February 25.  Let me know and I will get you details.