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Monday, February 20, 2012

Real Life at the Crisis Shelter February 13-19, 2012

Monday February 13:  One of our semi-regular overflow guests was walking by the demonstrating an incredible ability to string together curses toward assorted staff and other guests.  As far as we can tell there has been no problem when she has stayed with us so our best guess is mental illness.  We received a gal from AOH who had been drinking.   
Tuesday February 14:  Received 2 more ladies from AOH.  Tonight we put two of the teenage boys to work helping on dishes.  On Monday night the family had been assigned to help with dishes and they both watched mom do all of the work.  On Tuesday night we cut mom a piece of cake and gave her a soda and had her sit and watch as her boys did the work.  (A couple of results by the end of the week:  one of the boys without any prompting volunteered to come by and mop the staff office every evening.  Mom started fixing herself up and seemed to be all together emotionally.  We have not seen her this interactive, ever.  One of our guests came to complain about her room mates picking on her.  In the conversation she told the story how every time she lights a cigarette in her room they get on her case.  She was asked to leave for smoking in the room.  
Wednesday February 15:   One of our guests backed into a flower pot with her van.  She then became anxious and pulled forward hitting the gate and the power box to the gate.  No injuries.  This has been reported to her insurance and she is no longer allowed to park in parking lot.  The rest of this guest’s day was bad as well.  We had a good talk but she is definitely hurting. 
Thursday February 16:    One of our guests had trouble from the moment that she arrived.  By mid afternoon she had threatened another guest and had to leave.  Two of our pregnant guests were on the verge of having their babies.  However, neither of them delivered this week.
Friday February 17:  One of our guests tried to take a group of our guests out to go smoke some pot.  They all stayed back and she left on her own.  Big win!  
Weekend:  Over the weekend many of our guests reported temptation to relapse but all stayed around the shelter over the weekend and the feelings passed.     

General comments:  We are working making progress toward improvements in our Good Worker Program, a phased reentry and overflow possibility and a great plan for future use of our basement.

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