Weekly highlights
Monday April 23: The door of the dining room broke off of the hinge as one of our ladies was walking through it. She was not hurt but was stuck trying to hold it up. This was a bit more challenging for her since she had only one arm, however she did a great job! We did an incredible amount of check ins today. One of our guests in phase II had relapsed again so has now been moved to overflow as her only shelter option (10pm-6 am mattress on the floor).
Tuesday April 24: One of our former guests was in a motorcycle accident and passed away today. Funeral will be next week. Pray for one of our Guest Assistants who decided today that she going to quit smoking!
Wednesday April 25: Two of our singles started the morning in a verbal fight. One of them happily left when she had cleared her thoughts. The boyfriend of a former guest stole a different former guest’s truck and then left it at the shelter. One of our guests through a temper tantrum over viewing modules, getting her belongings into a tote and a wide array of other complaints. Ultimately she lost her bed at the shelter but is eligible of Phase II (5pm-8am dinner, breakfast offered)
Thursday April 26: Lots of people keep coming. We are stuffed to the gills. Many of the ladies have health concerns. Please be praying for them. One of our ladies had an ear infection and had heard that putting garlic in your ear can help that out. Many questioned that idea but she insisted that it would help. It turns out that putting garlic in your ear can increase the infection so by today she was in total pain. Doctors removed the garlic and then treated the infection. She is doing better now.
Friday April 27: One of our moms received her 2nd part time job. She is very excited.
Weekend: A couple of our guest assistants were drinking and asked to leave.
General comments: We set a record in March (1 more day so it will only go up from here) for number of regular shelter check ins (185) as well as total served (336)!
Current Crisis Shelter Purpose Statement:
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