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Monday, January 30, 2012

Real Life at the Crisis Shelter January 23-29, 2012

Monday January 23:   We received a reminder of God’s protection.  A guest who had moved out in the morning had gone to Spokane Mental Health.  They called to ask a few questions and shared that her mental illness made her very dangerous and they would be keeping her.  She has been at the shelter a couple of times and had some scary behaviors  but nothing that felt threatening.
Tuesday January 24:    Drama in room 9.  Three of the singles were in verbal conflict and staff came in to try to bring peace.  It mostly seems to be personality conflicts (cold room vs hot room, loud vs quiet, young vs old, etc)  One of our guests was keeping others from being able to apply for jobs by taking up the computers for game play.  She was banned from the computer room.
Wednesday January 25:  One of our good workers was caught going through past guest belongings and taking other items.  She was asked to leave.  The drama from room 9 replayed and staff have now figured out the source.  She was given an ultimatum to get along with her room mates.  Later in the day she started another conflict and was asked to leave.  Bed bug sniffing dog came through the shelter and gave us a clean bill.  No bed bugs at the Crisis Shelter!  Everyone rejoiced!
Thursday January 26:  Drama in room 5.  Ladies were in conflict with one another over one being loud, obnoxious and using bad language.  The guest was talked with and things seem to calm down.            
Friday January 27:   Three of our ladies got job at the new Marshalls Store coming to Northtown mall.  They were singing a song about it in the check-in line.  We had a few issues because one of our guests are a diabetic and one other guest feels that allowing her to use her needles makes her a trigger.  She needs to keep the needles close by due to her illness and her own feeling of comfort.  One of our ladies reported a date rape that occurred last weekend.  We encouraged her to talk with another local agency and to press charges.  It took awhile to help her overcome her fear of the police; but she finally made the decision to make the report.
Weekend:     We had an intake who showed up very worked up and angry.  It did not take long for her to become unsafe for the rest of the shelter and never even made it a night before we had to have her leave.  A car repeatedly pulled into the parking lot of the shelter, peeled out and raced into the parking lot across the street.  Police were called.  Many ladies report being blessed at church this morning from assorted churches in our community.       

General comments:  I saw many current and former guests at the Spokane Homeless Connect.  Many great services and gifts were given to the ladies that attended.

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